Netscape; The latest incarnation of the world's most popular Internet/Intranet browser has been updated and improved for greater ease of use. Plug- ins are now downloaded and installed automatically, and new infor- mation management tools simplify access to your favorite sites.   Microsoft; The new official browser of the Mac OS, Internet Explorer 4.0 offers enhanced navigation capabilities and a host of integrated applications for communicating and collaborating on the Web. New features include built in webcasting, comprehensive offline viewing, and support for Dynamic HTML.   Pointcast; PointCast is the Internet news network that brings the Internet to you. Headlines move dynamically across your display as news items are filed around the globe. PointCast broadcasts national and inter- national news, stock information, industry updates, weather from around the globe, sports scores and more from sources like CNN, Time, Reuters, PR Newswire, BusinessWire, and Sportsticker.   Progressive Networks; RealPlayer provides live and on-demand real-time audio and video streaming content on the Web. The RealAudio component supports stereo broadcasts over 28.8Kbps modems and RealVideo delivers newscast quality video at 28.8 Kbps and full-motion at faster connections.   Macromedia; Experience dynamic interactive animations that can include streaming audio from hi-fi to CD quality. Shockwave also allows streaming of high resolution images and vector graphics which let you zoom and pan up to 25,000 times without losing any image quality.   Plastic Thought; The Quick3D plug-in makes it possible to view QuickDraw 3D ob- jects online, in real time. A Quick3D model can be rotated, turned to a specific view, and scaled online. The 3DMF file format provides a compact and efficient means of storing 3D models with textures and camera information.   Intervista Software; WorldView is a fast, highly optimized VRML 2.0-compatible plug-in for Netscape Navigator. It provides a great way for you to experience 3D worlds on the Internet, Intranet, or your own desktop.   Microsoft; Web Theater Client is a plug-in to the Netscape Navigator or the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser that has a low CPU overhead and includes complete VCR-like controls, allowing users to fast forward, stop, skip, pause, or jump backwards in the video. The low-bandwidth is optimized for users who have lower-bandwidth connections to the Internet (56 Kbps and below).   Vivo Software; The VivoActive Player, a streaming video plug-in for Netscape Navigator, is the simplest, fastest way to get video clips on your Web page. Video for Windows AVI files are compressed up to 250:1, and the resulting VIV files can be viewed with the VivoActive Player as they download.   Headspace; The Beatnik plug-in manages the playback of Rich Music Format (RMF) and other music and sound files (such as MIDI, MOD, WAV, AIFF, and AU) within Web browsers. It can also create music that is highly interactive, thanks to a comprehensive set of JavaScript functions.   Liveupdate; Crescendo delivers higher-quality stereo MIDI music to the Web. This plug-in has a cool new look with a CD-like control panel and digital counter. The Crescendo PLUS plug-in adds live real-time streaming (no download delays) and sticky client-side preferences.   Totally Hip; Totally Hip's Sizzler plug-in allows simultaneous viewing and inter- action with Web pages while streaming animation is delivered over the Web. You won't have to wait for an animation to download completely before viewing it.   Lari Software; Apple Electrifier is an Internet graphics and animation solution based on Mac OS graphics technology. The Electrifier playback software lets users view large-scale, object-oriented graphics and animation in as little as 1K, allowing rapid download over the Internet. These low-bandwidth, object-oriented animations can be hundreds of times smaller than equivalent bitmap animations.       Interactive Pictures Corp; The IPIX plug-in allows you to get the whole picture with interactive fully immersive photographs. Driven by a simple mouse click or keyboard stroke, IPIX enables you to completely immerse yourself in an environment and view it from any angle or perspective.   Digital Dreams; Surf the Web by voice! The Surftalk plug-in used in conjunction with Netscape Navigator enables the user to speak any visible hyperlink as well as frequently visited links saved as bookmarks.   MVP Solutions; Talker lets web pages talk (and sing) using Apple's PlainTalk Speech Synthesis technology. Once Talker is installed, you'll find sites that speak in Spanish and English and even a few pages that sing in harmony.